We will monitor the performance by using monthly process evaluation reports that will gather detailed information about the intervention including women’s group activities. The PCP district office will send the report to head office and the process evaluation officer will be responsible for analysing the information and providing feedback to respective teams for further improvement of the women’s groups’ intervention. The Process Evaluation Officer will also conduct focus group discussions(FGD) and in-depth interviews with the beneficiaries to assess the effectiveness of the project. Case studies will be collected by the project staff.The M&E team will use an existing low-cost prospective surveillance system to record all deaths during pregnancy up to 6 weeks post-partum and all births and their outcomes (live birth, stillbirth, neonatal death) in the three project implementation unions. This process of birth and death surveillance will provide the essential information to measure trends in mortality rates (total, early neonatal mortality and late neonatal mortality), stillbirth rate, perinatal mortality rate and pregnancy-related mortality rate throughout the period of implementation. The Field Surveillance Manager and Data Manager at the Dhaka Office will be responsible for monitoring activities with the help of M&E staff in the field. The District Manager will conduct regular field visits, document the findings and compile monthly and quarterlyreports. Staff from the Dhaka officewill conduct fieldvisits and share the findings with the field staff to reduce any gaps. A quarterly performance review meeting will be held to monitor progress and improve performance, including monitoring phone calls with WCF.Field level M&E staff will be provided the necessary training on mobile phone data collection.No other M&E training will be needed because existing staff are familiar with the M&E system.We will prepare periodic reports based on the qualitative and qualitative data collection and share the findings with the beneficiaries and stakeholders to improve performance.

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