WCF will be responsible for overall contract management and ensuring the project is delivered efficiently and effectively. WCF will provide support and technical assistance on project delivery, advocacy and gender analysis. WCF will monitor project progress at a distance monthly and receive and check quarterly financial and narrative reports, processing financial claims and transferring funds in a timely fashion and providing feedback to PCP as appropriate. Monitoring visits will be carried out once a year. WCF will disseminate learning from the project in the UK and more widely.  WCF will manage the final evaluation. WCF’s value added is to: provide design expertise; facilitate PCP’s understanding of DFID sector priorities and VFM; use its expertise in gender analysis to maximise male involvement, support advocacy strategy development and messaging to influence MOHFW, civil society, multilateral organisations, think tanks and research bodies; provide guidance and support for the development of advocacy materials to be used for influencing; share cutting edge research and relevant learning from other WCF programmes and other leading practitioners in MNH to inform PCP’s delivery of the programme and own capacity development; and work with PCP to mitigate any risks to success encountered during project delivery.  Human resource requirements are:1 Programme Manager (0.20 FTE, existing role, female) – overall project management (including financial), technical assistance, reporting to DFID. Over 10 years experience managing policy and programmes in Africa and Asia. MSc in Development Studies (specialisation gender); 1 Technical Advisor (20 days) for advocacy and gender analysis training and ongoing support; 1 Administrator (0.05 FTE, existing role, female) – administration associated with the project; 1 Accountant (0.02 FTE, existing role, female) – budgeting and financial reporting; 20+ years organisation and project accounting.PCPwill be responsible for overall project design and project execution, including recruitment and management of staff, coordination with other stakeholders and partners, implementation of project activities and reporting. PCP value-added: PCP will use its 11 year partnership with the MOH, its relationship with the community, position on various technical working groups and excellent contacts to facilitate project coordination and implementation. PCP has experience of implementing women’s groups and health system strengthening interventions to deliver results and is well known locally for generating high quality evidence, also used in advocacy efforts.Human resource requirements are:1 Project Director (0.15 FTE, existing role, female)-strategic guidance, overseeing implementation and evaluation, advocacy, supervision of key staff and budget; Project Manager (0.15 FTE, existing, male) – Coordination of activities, overseeing progress, advocacy and report preparation; Field Surveillance Manager (0.20 FTE, existing, male) – Coordination of monitoring and surveillance activities including field data collection using mobile phones; Participatory Women’s Group Manager (0.20 FTE, existing, female) – Coordination of women’s groups activities including trainingfield staff; Finance &Accounts Assistant Manager (0.15 FTE, existing, male)- budgeting and financial reporting; Office Assistant (1.00 FTE, existing, male)- Assist in office management tasks; Process Evaluation Officer (0.20 FTE, new, female)- Documentation, analysis of monthly process evaluation reports and conduct qualitative study (FGDs and in-depth interviews); District Manager (1.00 FTE, male) – Management of the project activities in Bogra and coordination of activities between district and head office; Women’s Group Coordinator (1.00 FTE, new, female) – Supervision of the women’s group supervisors and facilitators; Monitoring Coordinator (1.00 FTE, new, male) – Supervision of Monitors and quality checking of data collection; Women’s Group Supervisors (1.00 FTE, 3 newfemales)- Assist the community facilitators to organize the women’s group meeting and provide training; Monitors (1.00 FTE, 3 new females)- Interview the mothers on mortality and gather data on delivery and newborn care practices;Office Assistant (1.00 FTE, new, male)- office duties.

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